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- Erizos Wrecks : The eight small wrecks of Los Erizos are worth exploring and one should need a few dives.
- Mala : Mala is an area known for its geological lava formations and larger fish such as angel sharks.
- Puerto Del Carmen :
- Blue Hole : The Blue Hole is a 35 meter deep hole attractive for loads of different species of fish.
- Cathedral : The Cathedral is a fantastic salt and partly fresh water cave which was formed during volcanic eruptions.
- Harbour Wall : Diving at dive sites Harbour Wall is a muck diving paradise perfect for macro spotters.
- Pink Coral : An area known for its rare but healthy examples of Pink Coral has been awarded with its own dive spot.
- Playa de la Barilla : Playa de la Barilla is a brilliant dive site for novice divers with access from the beach.
- Punta Tinosa Wrecks : Two old fishing wrecks can be found at a dive site named Punta Tinosa Wrecks.
- Rabat Wreck : The Rabat Wreck used to be a large tuna fishing boat that sank outside the harbor of Arrecife.
- Castillo, Puerto de Rosario : El Castillo is diving on top of a rocky barrier just past the harbor of Puerto de Rosario.
- Cathedral, Ajuy : The Cathedral, near fishing village Ajui, starts at the end of a black volcanic beach near the cliffs.
- Corralejo, Island Lobos : Diving at the dive sites between Corralejo and the island of Los Lobos.
- Anchors : Las Anclas is the Spanish name for the anchors which are found here in large numbers on the ocean floor.
- Bajo de la Piedra Vera : Bajo de la Piedra Vera is a small underwater cliff creating crevices, cracks and small passages.
- Bajo de Nerea : Bajo de Nerea is a nice and large area with fish and fantastic rock formation.
- Bajo del Tio Bartolo : Bajo del Tio Bartolo is one of the first dive regions you can dive at coming from the beach.
- Bajon del Rio : El Bajon del Rio is one of the more popular dives at a landscape of volcanic rocks in the form of toadstools or mushrooms.
- Becerro Manso, Agujas : El Becerro Manso and Bajo del Charco de las Agujas are two similar dive sites into the channel between Los Corralejo and Isla de Lobos.
- Becerros : Los Becerros is a rocky area with caves and arches separated by small sandy patches.
- Bentos II : Bentos II is a small and deep reef in between Lanzarote and Fuerteventura.
- Bocaina : La Bocaina is a nice dive site with a coral reef filled with loose rocks and deep caves.
- Burrera : La Burrera is a small two meter high ledge consisting out of flat rocks on a nice sandy ocean floor.
- Calamareo : El Calamareo, just northeast of Corralejo, is a ten meter high barrier filled with caves, volcanic rocks and fish.
- Carrera : La Carrera
- Gorgonians : The Gorgonians is named after the forest like amounts of yellow sea fans that decorate the bottom of this dive site.
- Gruta : La Gruta is an area of caves, canyons, bizarre rock formations and complex navigation.
- Lagunita : La Luganita is a small ledge with several nice V shaped arches.
- Marrajo : Marrajo is a rich reef at only a ten minutes from shore shaped in the form of the figure eight.
- Puente : El Puente (The Bridge)
- Punta Lala : Punta Lala is diving at a shallow slope of basaltic furnace topped with many different kinds of algae.
- Queso : El Queso is an interesting reef that looks like a huge piece of cheese with its holes and passageways to get lost in.
- Vieja : Basaltic formations, groups of fish and many algae are the highlights of diving at La Vieja, meaning the Old.
- Peninsula de Jandia :
- Veril Chico : Veril Chico is diving at a location similar to Veril Grande on a sandy seabed, with many fish and partly filled with coral reef.
- Veril Grande : Veril Grande is diving at a twenty meter high drop-off just offshore the lighthouse of Matorral.
- Salinas : Las Salinas is diving near huge rocks packed on top of each other, leftovers from the nearby salt works.
- Arguineguin Reef : Arguineguin Reef is a rocky reef about two kilometers offshore the small village that has the same name.
- Bay of Meloneras : The Bay of Meloneras is a popular bay perfect for snorkeling, trainee divers and other water activities.
- Blue Bird : The BLue Bird was sunk in 2002 between Taurito and Puerto Mogan and nowadays sits in waters beyond the 40 meter diving limit.
- Cabron, Marina Reserva Arinaga : The El Cabr
- Aquarium : The Aquarium is a dive site in the bay of Arinaga which has many species of fish swarming around you.
- Discovery Bay : Discovery Bay is a calm and perfect dive site for novice, trainees and starting divers.
- Hole in the Wall : The Hole in the Wall is one of the best dives on Gran Canaria featuring a nice cave that can be entered through a hole in the reef wall.
- Punta de la Monja : Punta de la Monja is the most seaward point in between both bays offering caves, rocks and marine species.
- Punta de la Sal : Punta de la Sal is the deepest part of the El Cabr
- Risco Verde or Green Cliff : Near Arinage we will find the rich and vivid dive site Risco Verde or Green Cliff.
- Table Top : The Table Top is one of the best known dive sites mainly because here the variety of dive sites is enormous.
- Coloradas Peninsula : Diving at the dive sites around the Coloradas Peninsula near the harbor of Las Palmas.
- Arona : The Arona is a large mainly intact cargo vessel waiting to be admired by divers in deep waters.
- Cathedral : The Cathedral is a huge cavern on the north shore of Gran Canaria, only dived when the weather is good.
- Frigorifica : The Frigorifica was a refrigeration vessel sinking in the harbor of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
- Kalais : The Kalais is a huge 100m long ship that was scuttled after a dispute of paying mooring fees.
- Playa Chica :
- Goro : Diving El Goro means diving at several layers of solid lava, its caves and spectacular rock formations.
- Medio Almud : Dive site Medio Almud is diving at a natural reef and small wreck named the Armando Theodoro.
- Pasito Blanco : The reef of Pasito Blanco is one of the best reefs in Gran Canaria, reached after a few minutes boat ride from one of the bays.
- Artificial Reef : Pipes, cubes, plateaus and other material blocks have been dropped at the ocean floor to create an Artificial Reef near Pasito Blanco.
- Chucho Reef : Chucho Reef is named in Spanish after the many stingrays you will find here on the sand and under the rocks.
- Piper Cherokee P32 : Diving at a small a small Piper Cherokee P32 plane wreck is always spectacular.
- Playa Amadores Bay : Playa Amadores Bay has a beach of imported Sahara sand and a manmade rocky barrier that prevents the sand from being washed back into the ocean.
- Russian Wreck El Pajar : The Russian Wreck El Pajar is a hydrofoil boat of thirty meters long ripped open because of a heavy storm years ago.
- Sardina del Norte : Sardina del Norte is dived in the summer months because then it is the place where Mobulus Rays come to shore to feed.
- Wrecks of Mog : The Mog
- Abades : Diving at the dive site named Abades.
- Abrigos :
- Baja de los Realejos : A rocky basaltic pinnacle drops almost sixty meters down, starting just above the surface, offering shelter for smaller marine life and attracting predators.
- Balito : El Balito offers caves, caverns and one fantastic swimm-through in which divers can surface and admire its brilliant ceiling.
- Caleta : La Caleta is a rocky ridge that breaks the surface often drift dived and enjoying the species that greet you.
- Cathedral : The Cathedral is a large rocky area filled with ridges, deep and shallow arches reached just a few hundred meters west of Puerto de la Cruz.
- Chimenea or Chimney : Through an opening in the reef or archway, referred to a chimney, you can enter a nice cavern.
- Galletas, Palm-Mar :
- Ali Ba ba Cavern : The cave Ali Ba Ba Cavern is filled with nice hanging black coral and rock formations.
- Aquarium, Stingray City, Chucos : The Aquarium consists out of a small wreck and tens of stingrays, butterfly rays and Atlantic rays.
- Areanetas : Areanetas is an easy dive on top of a ledge with gullies and simple reef structures.
- Ca : Los Ca
- Condesito : The Condesito sank off the coast of Las Galletas more than 25 years ago providing for plenty of marine life these days.
- Cueva de Neptuno : Diving Cueva de Neptuno often starts with exploring the cave followed by drifting to its nearby canyons.
- Palm Mar Cave : Cueva de Palm Mar is one of the most famous dive sites in Tenerife, a deep and not yet fully explored cave.
- Yellow Mountain, Montana Amarilla : Yellow Mountain is diving in a white crystal clear environment with lava caves and loads of fish.
- Anclas or Anchors : Las Anclas received its name because of the many old anchors littering the seabed, all coming from 16th century cargo ships.
- Arco : While diving at El Arco you will find some spectacular scenery with underwater volcanic rocks and arches.
- Tubo : El Tubo is a great 150 meter long tunnel with a more than ten meter tall entrance hall or vault.
- Los Gigantes : Los Gigantes
- Marazul : Marazul is one of the best shore dives in Tenerife where volcanic formations, blowholes and caves are its highlights.
- Meridian : El Meridian is a deep and old yacht scuttled in 2005 to encourage underwater marine live and coral growth.
- Playa Paraiso : Playa Paraiso is a great canyon dive with excellent chances of seeing huge Atlantic rays.
- Poris de Abona :
- Puertito : El Puertito is a quiet town northwest of Los Christianos with shallow diving at a rich underwater habitat.
- Punta Prieta :
- Radazul : Radazul is a small town east of Tenerife with some excellent and slightly remote diving.
- Steps : The Steps is named after a series of volcanic rock formations that look like staircase steps.
- Atolon, Bajon del Puerto : El Atolon is diving at two steep coral heads rising from the seabed of twenty meter deep to within the surface.
- Barbudo : The most southwestern point of El Hiero is El Barbudo known for the monument of the old meridian line stands.
- Caleta : La Caleta is known for its ridge full of caves, caverns, comb groupers and red hogfish.
- Mar Las Calmas : Mar Las Calmas is a great and large protected reserve where marine life is extremely abundant.
- Bajon : El Bajon is the most eastern located dive site in Mar de Las Calmas; deep, steep, rich and diverse.
- Desert : The desert is named after the large areas of black volcanic sand you will find while diving here.
- Punta Ajones : A lava tongue at Punta Ajones has created a vertical wall and haven for aquatic life.
- Roque de Bonanza : Just fifty meters from shore you can dive at Roque de Bonanza which is a steep rocky pinnacle.
- Roques de Salmor, Palometa : The underwater Roques de Salmor are some spectacular steep rocky walls with a large cavern.
- Tijeretas : Tijeretas has a rugged and wild landscape filled with volcanic rocks and interesting marine life.
- Bajita : La Bajita is a dive site filled with excellent volcanic remains such as lava blocks and holes.
- Cabras : Las Cabras is a great and steep cliff dive southeast of La Palma.
- Faro : El Faro is a deep and spectacular dive site with arch, volcanic boulders and deep rock formation named el Torro.
- Los Cancajos : Los Cancajos is one of the best diving related areas in La Palma to make a few dives.
- Canyon : El Canyon is a nice and simple reef from the beach of Los Cancajos.
- Caves and Tunnels : Caves and Tunnels is an area with the South Cave Rock, Cave of the Chapel, Cave or Rays and a chimney.
- Glove : The Glove is named after a free standing boulder resembling the three fingers as in a glove.
- Green Garden : Green Garden is nice dive site on top of some hard and soft corals in general green of color.
- Monte Lava : Monte Lava is a great dive site with black coral, black volcanic sand across a mountain lava slope.
- Wing Piper 28-140 : The Wing is diving at the remains of a Piper 28-140 airplane that sank here in 1988.
- Malpique Crosses : The crosses of Malpique have been dropped in memory of a ship full of missionaries who were killed by pirates in the 16th century.
- Pozito : Dive site El Pozito is a rocky in lava blocks covered slope.
- Puerto Naos : Puerto Naos on the west coast is a quiet out of the way tourist destination.