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Name Tauchplätz: | K |
Tiefe: | 20-22m (65-72ft) |
Zugänglichkeit: | Boot |
Eingeführt/Zugefügt durch: | lars, © Author: Lars Hemel |
Bewertet: | Bewertet noch nicht |
Eigenschaften: | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Das Künstliches Riff von Pasito Blanco befindet sich in eine Tiefe von 20-22 Meter mit 84 verschiedene Elementen die durch die Maritim Biologen von der Universität von Las Palmas als künstliches Riff sind abgesenkt. In dieser umgebung mit eine grosse variation von formen wie Rohren, Kwadrate, Platforme usw. haben die Biologen von 1989 bis 1994 studiert wie dass unterwasserleben sich auf dem Riff entwickelt hat. Seit 1994 ist das Riff aufgestellt für Taucher und es ist eine Tauchstelle die sehr geeichnet ist für unterwasser Fotografen. Auch sind auf das Sand zwischen die Elementen oft Engelhaien und Stachelrochen zu finden.

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- Diving Gran Canaria, Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria
Diving Gran Canaria
Scuba Diving Gran Canaria www.scubadivinggrancanaria.com 0034 928736196 | Puerto Rico 35120 Gran Canaria |
Learn to scuba dive with Dive Academy Gran Canaria a sea front Padi 5 star IDC Centre and Gold Palm resort, we have our own large private pool for training or if experienced just come diving with us by boat or shore. All Padi course available.
Dive Academy is a Padi 5 star IDC centre and Gold Palm resort. It is also Europe’s most southern Dive Centre. We are situated in the south of Gran Canaria on the sea front between two bays, they are both just a short walk from the centre. Dive Academy has multi lingual instructors and staff. Everyone is welcome at Dive Academy and our aim is for all our guests to enjoy there stay, be safe and most of all have lots of FUN!!! Dive Academy is the only dive centre on the island with its own private swimming pool! This swimming pool is the perfect place for all dives to learn or practise skills. Qualified divers or beginners, in our swimming pool you get all the time you need to learn the confidence building skills. For the young divers (8 to 10) we can do the Bubblemaker course in the pool, which is lots of FUN!! So from Bubblemaker to Instructor course the pool is the perfect place !! We run daily dive trips by boat and shore for the already qualified divers. We will take you to the best dive sites the island has to offer, including wrecks and reefs. We have lots of Marine life around the island including Rays, Turtles, Morays and lots of reef fish. Dive Academy has something to offer the whole family ! whether you are a wannabe diver or qualified diver. Whether you want the kids to learn to dive or just do some fun dives yourself- we have something to offer the whole family ! There are even sun beds at our swimming pool for divers and for the family or friends of the divers who do not wish to dive, to enjoy the warm Gran Canaria sun!!
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