Cabron, Marina Reserva Arinaga
Eingeführt/Zugefügt durch: | lars, © Author: Lars Hemel |
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25 Autominuten bringen uns zu dass unterwasser Naturschutzgebiet von Gran Canaria Marina Reserva Arinaga (El Cabron) wo Bootverkehr und Fischerei nicht erlaubt ist. Ein sehr schönes Tauchgebiet mit möglichkeiten für Tauchgange von 6 bis 18 Meter übers Riffplateau zum Rand wo wir Höhlen und Durchgangen finden. Oder ein Steilwand entlang bis wir eine Tiefe erreichen von 30 Meter. In die Tiefe finden wir Zackenbarschen und sogar ein paar ganz grosse Gorgonen. Leider ist der Tauchplatz an die meist durch Wind und Wellen unterworfen Nord-Ost Küste von der Insel wass der zugang auch recht abenteurlich machen kann. Aber wenn die Wetterbedingen es zulassen wirdt dass Naturschutzgebiet regelmäßig besucht.
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- Davy Jones - PADI Diving Centre, Gran Canaria, calle Luis de Velasco...Davy Jones - PADI Diving Centre, Gran Ca...
Scuba Diving in Gran Canaria w... www.davyjonesdiving.com 00 34 699 721 584 | calle Luis de Velasco 39 35118 Arinaga, Gran Canaria |
This PADI 5-Star Dive Resort is the closest dive centre to the fabulous El Cabrón Marine Reserve at Arinaga , the best place to dive on the island of Gran Canaria. The combination of small groups, intimate knowledge of the marine reserve, and a long term stable team of mature instructors means that every diver is treated to a personalised exploration of this treasure-trove of marine life. They are the only dive centre with complete facilities including toilets close to this diving location.
The El Cabrón Marine Reserve at Arinaga on Gran Canaria is one of the ten best dive sites in Spain, and has its own guide book. Dives vary from 6 to 30m and not only is it packed with fish, the variety and bio-diversity have surprised and astounded many visitors. Barracudas, morays, five types of stingray, grunts, trumpetfish, bream, damselfish, parrotfish, wrasse and cephalopods are all found in huge numbers, different seasons can bring stingray, angelshark, blue shark, and many other species into the area. Don't turn your nose up at the fact that this is a shore diving area - all the sealife is packed in close to the shore and the underwater lava scenery is stunning. There are caves to explore with the vivid red Canary Island Lobsterette, and night diving can bring squid, red-legged octopus and golden balearic congers.
- Gran Canaria Diving.com - Online Divers Guide, calle luis Velasco 39...Gran Canaria Diving.com - Online Divers ...
Gran Canaria - Scuba Diving an... www.gran-canaria-diving.com | calle luis Velasco 39 35118 Playa de Arinaga |
Your complete guide to Gran Canaria’s best scuba diving and snorkelling. Discover the rich and amazing marine life found around the shores of this Canary Island (now a world biosphere reserve!), and why it is rated as one of the best places to dive in Europe. Find out all you need to plan your diving holiday including the top dive sites, holiday destinations and dive schools. There are several galleries of photos by top underwater photographers showing the sharks, rays and other marine life that thrives around this island.
This is a complete guide to the best scuba diving and snorkelling in Gran Canaria. It describes the rich and amazing marine life found around the shores of this Canary Island, which is now a world biosphere reserve, and why it is rated as one of the best places to dive in Europe. You can find all you need to plan your diving holiday including the top dive sites, holiday destinations and dive schools. There are several galleries of photos by top underwater photographers showing the sharks, rays and other marine life that thrives around this island.Gran Canaria is one of the seven Canary Islands that make up Europe´s most southerly point. Long a favourite for sun seekers, it sits in sub-tropical waters, is warmed by the gulf stream, and has a unique mix of both cold-water species such as Angel Sharks and bream; plus colourful tropical species such as damselfish, parrotfish and triggerfish. This makes it a great destination for short diving breaks from Europe, as there are lots of cheap package deals, plenty of accommodation choices, and some great diving locations.As the island is roughly circular, you can choose which side to dive depending upon the weather. The most popular dive site is to be found on the East coast, near the small town of Arinaga, in what is known locally as the 'El Cabrón' marine reserve. This area has a stunning underwater topography, with arches, caves, swim-throughs and volcanic reefs, and also a prolific mix of sea life. In winter Angel sharks can be found on most days, along with stingrays, morays brean, sardines and much more.The south of the island is a mini-desert, and so holds little of interest for divers, however the West coast has several good dive sites including the artificial reef at Pasito Blanco. This is a most unusual dive, as since the University created the reef by dropping large concrete structures into the water it has become the home to huge shoals of roncadors (bastard grunts), barracudas, and also has angel sharks and rays. There are some small wrecks off the west coast, but the best diving for wrecks is to be found outside Las Palmas.
Liveaboard, Bootcharter
- Lets Go Diving, Puerto Pasito Blanco, Playa del Ingles / Maspalomas
Lets Go Diving
Lets Go Diving www.lgdiving.com (+34) 660 291 891 | Puerto Pasito Blanco 35100 Playa del Ingles / Maspalomas |
The only hardboat based divecenter in the Canary Islands. Daily divetrips to the most beautiful divesites in the south of Gran Canaria.
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