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Punta Ajones

Name Tauchplätz:Punta Ajones
Tiefe: 10-70m (32-229ft)
Eingeführt/Zugefügt durch: diving_places

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Punta Ajones, es ist eine Lavazunge, die ins Meer vorstösst und dort eine Steilwand bildet. In grösserer Tiefe verwandelt sie sich in eine Steilwand, die schnell bis auf 70 m abfällt.

Meeresleben: Langusten,Muräne,Tintenfische und Kolonien von Schwämmen. Zwischen den Gewässern gibt es Barakudas und Makronesen-Zackenbarsche auf der Jagd nach kleinen Fischen.

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- Arrecifal Dive Centre, C/ La Orchilla, 30, La Restinga

Arrecifal Dive Centre

Arrecifal Dive Centre
(+34) 922 55 71 71
 C/ La Orchilla, 30
La Restinga

We offer high quality diving instruction and daily boat departures to some of the most beautiful dive sites in Europe. We specialise in tailored packages for individuals and groups that include: diving, accommodation and car rental.

From our Dive Centre in La Restinga, located on the southern tip of El Hierro, we dive more than 20 dive sites less than 15 minutes by boat. The Mar de las Calmas Marine Reserve is protected from the prevailing winds and is perfect for year round diving with visibility as much as 40m at times and rarely less than 20m. The area also gets the least rain and most sun in El Hierro. The underwater landscape was formed by volcanic activity and very close to shore the bottom drops to more than 300m. The seabed is covered in rocky formations such as pinnacles, big drop off's, caves and tunnels. The dense vegetation on the rocks gives rise to a large diversity of life. On the bottom and hidden in the many cracks and crevasses you will find Lobsters, Shrimp, Seahorses, Black and Yellow Corals, Anemones and Sponges. Swimming in the crystal clear waters you will see Tuna, Parrotfish, Groupers, Flatfish, Perches, Angel Sharks, Octopus, Sting Rays and many species of Moray Eels. Seasonal visitors to the area include Sand Tiger Sharks, Manta Rays, Whale Sharks, Dolphins and Turtles.

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